Livekernelevent код 141 ошибка

Если вы недавно столкнулись с ошибкой « Live kernel event 141 » на вашем устройстве с Windows 10, вы попали по адресу., мы рассмотрим причины, по которым эта неисправность может возникнуть в первую очередь, и попытаемся ее устранить, используя специальные решения для устранения неполадок.

С самого начала вам нужно знать, что ошибка «Live kernel event 141» возникает из-за поврежденных драйверов (в основном связанных с вашими графическими картами) или из-за определенного программного обеспечения сторонних производителей.

В любом случае, с правильными решениями вы можете устранить эту неисправность, и в этом случае вы можете использовать шаги из этого руководства.

Как можно исправить ошибку события 141 ядра Windows 10 Live?

1. Отключите внешние устройства

Поскольку между некоторыми драйверами в системе Windows 10 может возникнуть конфликт, следует начать процесс устранения неполадок, отключив периферийные устройства. Сделайте это и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема.

Если вы хотите полностью удалить драйверы с вашего ПК с Windows 10, вы можете рассмотреть возможность удаления. Проверьте этот список с лучшим программным обеспечением удаления, доступным прямо сейчас.

2. Примените обновления Windows 10, ожидая вашего одобрения

Если ваша система не работает с последними доступными обновлениями, вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке «Live kernel event 141». Итак, проверьте и примените обновления, которые могут ожидать вашего одобрения в фоновом режиме. Вы можете выполнить эту задачу следующим образом:

Если вы не можете открыть приложение «Настройка», ознакомьтесь с этой статьей, чтобы легко решить эту проблему.

3. Инициируйте чистую загрузку

С чистой загрузкой вы можете запустить систему Windows 10 с минимальными возможностями.

Таким образом, если стороннее приложение вызывало ошибку «Live kernel event 141», теперь вы можете устранить конфликты программного обеспечения, возникающие при установке программы или обновления или при использовании процесса, несовместимого с ОС Windows 10.

Вот как вы можете начать чистую загрузку:

Если вы хотите узнать, как добавлять или удалять загрузочные приложения в Windows 10, ознакомьтесь с этим простым руководством.

4. Удалите видео графические драйверы и переустановите их вручную

Если после выполнения действий, описанных выше, вы все еще испытываете ошибку «Событие Live kernel 141», вам следует переустановить драйверы графических карт.

Но сначала вам нужно удалить существующие драйверы, и вот как вы можете это сделать:

После удаления всех установленных драйверов вы должны зайти на официальную веб-страницу производителя и загрузить драйверы оттуда. Затем необходимо вручную установить эти драйверы, запустив соответствующий исполняемый файл и следуя подсказкам на экране.

Вы также можете использовать Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU), чтобы правильно удалить драйвер видеокарты. Посмотрите это специальное руководство, чтобы узнать больше о том, что такое DDU и как вы можете его использовать.

Итак, это решения для устранения неполадок, которые можно применять для исправления ошибки Windows 10 «Событие ядра 141».

Fix Windows 10 Live kernel event 141 error

If you recently experienced the Live kernel event 141 error on your Windows 10 device, you are in the right place.

In this article, we will review the reasons why this malfunction can occur in the first place and try to fix it by using dedicated troubleshooting solutions.

Right from the start, you need to know that the Live kernel event 141 error is happening due to corrupted drivers or because of certain third-party software.

Anyway, with the right solutions, you can address this malfunction and in that matter, you can use the steps from this tutorial.

How can I fix the Windows 10 Live kernel event 141 error?

1. Disconnect external devices

Since there might be a conflict between certain drivers within the Windows 10 system, you should start the troubleshooting process by disconnecting the peripherals. Do that and check if the issue persists.

Afterward, you can reconnect your external devices, but when you do so also reinstall any associated drivers from scratch.

If needed, go to Device Manager first and uninstall these drivers (press Win+X hotkeys, click on Device Manager and select the drivers that must be uninstalled).

If you want to completely remove the drivers from your Windows 10 PC, you may consider using an uninstaller. Check out this list with the best uninstaller software available right now.

2. Apply Windows 10 updates waiting for your approval

If your system is not running on the latest available updates, you might receive the Live kernel event 141 error. So, check and apply the updates that might be waiting for your approval in the background.

You can complete this task by following:

If you can’t open the Setting app, take a look at this article to solve the issue easily.

3. Initiate a clean boot

With a clean boot, you can run the Windows 10 system on minimal features.

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So, if a third party app was causing the Live kernel event 141 error now you can eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when you use a process that’s not compatible with the Windows 10 OS.

Here is how you can initiate the clean boot:

4. Uninstall the video graphic drivers and reinstall it manually

If after applying the steps from above you are still experiencing the Live kernel event 141 error you should reinstall the graphic cards drivers.

But first, you need to uninstall the existing drivers and here is how you can do that:

After removing any installed drivers you should access your manufacturer’s official webpage and download the drivers from there.

You need to manually install these drivers after that by running the associated executable file and by following on-screen prompts.

You can also use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) to remove your graphics card driver properly. Check this dedicated guide to find out more about what is DDU and how you can use it.

So, these are the troubleshooting solutions that can be applied for fixing the Windows 10 Live kernel event 141 error, assuming that there was no problem with your hardware that caused Windows to stop working correctly.

If you managed to address this issue by using a different method, share your experience with us – we will then update this tutorial accordingly, giving you the credit for providing additional solutions.

You can get in touch with us easily by using the comments section from down below.

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What Causes LiveKernelEvent 141 Error and How to Fix It? [Partition Manager]


A large number of users came across the error LiveKernelEvent 141 on Windows 10. In this article, MiniTool will explain what causes LiveKernelEvent 141 and provide corresponding solutions to you.

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What Causes LiveKernelEvent 141

To optimize computer performance for gaming, a great many people build a PC with the best graphics card drive and add more memory. Sometimes, however, many people are troubled by the error LiveKernelEvent 141 after building a game PC.

According to a survey, the LiveKernelEvent 141 error code often appears on Windows 10. The major reason for this error is associated with your hardware components including hard disk, memory, and GPU. In addition, corrupted device drivers, overheating and software conflicts are responsible for the Live Kernel Event 141 error as well.

green screen of death thumbnail

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How to Fix LiveKernelEvent 141

Prior to executing the following solutions, we recommend you disconnect all external devices including USB flash drive, printer, external keyboard, etc. This is because it can trigger a conflict between certain drivers.

Fix 1. Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter

The first and simplest method is to run Hardware and Devices troubleshooter. This tool will detect any hardware issues on your computer and provide some solutions, which can help you fix LiveKernelEvent code 141.

Step 1. Press the Win + I keys to open the Windows Settings app.

Step 2. Click on Updates & Security > Troubleshoot one by one.

Step 3. Double click the Hardware and Devices on the right pane and click on Run the troubleshooter.

run Hardware and Devices troubleshooter

After the process completes, restart your computer and check if the error code Live Kernel Event 141 still persists.

Fix 2. Check Your Hard Disk

A hard disk is one of the most important computer components. Once the hard drive gets corrupted or faulty, you may encounter various issues like LiveKernelEvent code 141. So, it’s necessary to check and fix hard drive errors.

Here you can utilize Windows built-in tool – CHKDSK to do that.

Step 1. Type cmd in the search box, and then right-click the Command Prompt app and select Run as administrator.

Step 2. In the elevated command prompt, type chkdsk C: /f /r /x (replace C with the drive letter that you’re ready to check) and hit Enter.

check hard drive errors using CHKDSK

This tool will scan the disk drive automatically and try repairing detected errors. After that, you can see if the LiveKernelEvent 141 error is resolved or not.

Fix 3. Test Your Memory

test memory using Windows memory diagnostic

Fix 4. Set CPU Fan Speed to the Maximum

Some users reported that overheating is the reason behind LiveKernelEvent code 141. So, we recommend you set your CPU fan speed to the maximum to obtain better ventilation. You can change the CPU fan speed via the BIOS settings. For that:

Step 1. Press the Win + I keys to open the Windows Settings app, and then click on Updates & Security.

Step 2. Go to the Recovery tab and click on Restart now button under the Advanced startup section.

click on Restart now

Step 3. Click on Troubleshoot > Advanced options in the pop-up window.

select Advanced options

Step 4. Select UEFI Firmware Settings and click on Restart. Then your computer will boot into the BIOS/UEFI settings and you can adjust the CPU fan speed from here.

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Fix 5. Reinstall Graphics Card Driver

LiveKernelEvent 141 is usually associated with your graphic card driver. To fix this issue, you can try uninstalling the graphics card driver. Here’s a simple guide:

Step 1. Press Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box, and then type devmgmt. msc in the box and hit Enter to open this program.

Step 2. In the Device Manager window, expand the Display adapters categories, then right-click the graphics card driver and select Uninstall device. Then follow the on-screen prompt to complete this uninstallation.

uninstall graphics card driver

Step 3. Restart your computer and then Windows will automatically install a default graphics card driver for you. Alternatively, you can visit its manufacturer’s website and install the latest driver manually.

Fix 6. Perform a Clean Boot

As point out in the above, software conflicts are also responsible for the LiveKernelEvent 141 error code. In this case, you can try performing a clean boot to determine what processes are not compatible with your Windows. Then you can uninstall these conflicting programs to fix the issue. To initiate a clean boot, you can refer to this post “How to Clean Boot Windows and Why You Need to do so?”


Position: Columnist

Ariel is an enthusiastic IT columnist focusing on partition management, data recovery, and Windows issues. She has helped users fix various problems like PS4 corrupted disk, unexpected store exception error, the green screen of death error, etc. If you are searching for methods to optimize your storage device and restore lost data from different storage devices, then Ariel can provide reliable solutions for these issues.


https://ru. compbs. com/live-kernel-event-141-error-windows-10

https://windowsreport. com/fix-live-kernel-event-141-error/

https://www. partitionwizard. com/partitionmanager/livekernelevent. html

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