EAC Error code 10022

Accepted Solution

I recently bought the bloodhound and lifeline editions from GameStop and redeemed the codes in Origin. After I did that and tried to open the game, I get a Launch Error 10022 (unexpected error. (0xC0030004)). This has never happened to me before and seems very strange given the circumstances. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling EAC, reinstalled Apex itself, repaired apex, restarted PC, everything I could think of. Still no luck, any help would be much appreciated!!

Re: EAC Error code 10022

What happens if you start up your PC in a Clean Boot before you launch Apex Legends? If there’s something else running on your PC that’s causing issues with Easy Anti-Cheat that may help to get around the error.

You can find more info on how to set up a Clean Boot over at the EA Help website. Let me know how that goes once you’ve had the chance to give it a shot. Thanks!

Re: EAC Error code 10022

What happens if you start up your PC in a Clean Boot before you launch Apex Legends? If there’s something else running on your PC that’s causing issues with Easy Anti-Cheat that may help to get around the error.

You can find more info on how to set up a Clean Boot over at the EA Help website. Let me know how that goes once you’ve had the chance to give it a shot. Thanks!

Re: EAC Error code 10022

tried it but it didint work what do i do now?

Re: EAC Error code 10022

When you’ve got the chance would you mind sharing a DxDiag so we can take a look? For more information on how to pull one up check out the EA Help website. Once you have the text file please attach it to this thread. Thanks!

Re: EAC Error code 10022

i hope i did this thing right

Re: EAC Error code 10022

hello, im having the same issue as him, here is my report

Re: EAC Error code 10022

It looks like you attached an MSINFO rather than a DxDiag. I removed this attachment just because this file contains some information that we wouldn’t want to be posted publicly. The article that I linked in my previous post should have steps on how to get a DxDiag file rather than an MSINFO. The DxDiag file doesn’t have the same information that we shouldn’t have publicly visible.

I appreciate you sharing this!

Are you currently running any sort of RGB management software on your PC? If so, can you try disabling that to test and see if that makes any difference at all? We’ve seen some cases where EAC runs into issues with this type of software, so I am curious if this might be what’s happening in this case as well.

Ошибка при запуске приложения 0xc0000022 как исправить?

Пытаясь запустить какую-либо игровую программу на компьютере с ОС Виндовс 8.1 или 10, пользователь может столкнуться с сообщением «Ошибка при запуске приложения (0xc0000022)», и не понимать, каким образом это исправить. Причиной проблемы обычно является недостаточные права доступа, отсутствие ряда системных файлов и другие релевантные факторы. Ниже разберём, способы решения проблемы.

Ошибка 0xc0000022

Причины ошибки 0xc0000022

Уведомление с кодом 0xc0000022 обычно возникает при попытке запустить старую игровую программы середины 2000-х годов на компьютере с современной версией ОС Windows. Кроме того, ошибка регулярно появляется при попытке запустить pdf-файл с помощью « Adobe Acrobat reader », а также на других продуктах компании «Adobe».

Причины проблемы, которую не удается исправить, обычно сводятся к следующему:

Причины: Пояснение:
Отсутствие прав. Запущенной программе недостаёт административных привилегий для доступа к нужному файлу.
Проблемы с антивирусом. Антивирус ПК блокирует доступ программы к файлу.
Неправильный путь к файлам. Приложения, написанные на Visual Basic, не обнаруживают необходимой им dll-библиотеки, или испытывают проблемы с доступом к ней.
Неверно выполнена распаковка. Репак программы выполнен репакером некорректно.

Картинка ERROR

Давайте разберёмся, каким образом устранить ошибку 0xc0000022 при запуске приложений на вашем PC.

Запуск приложения от имени администратора, чтобы исправить проблему

Пункт запуска от имени администратора

Временная деактивация антивируса при появлении ошибки 0xc0000022

Если запуск с административными правами не помог, попробуйте исправить проблему при помощи антивируса. Некоторые антивирусы (например, «AVG» или «Mc Afee») могут вызывать рассматриваемую ошибку при работе браузера или других приложений, нуждающихся в сетевом доступе. Попробуйте временно отключить антивирус, и запустите проблемное приложение вновь.

Меню отключения AVG

Исправление работы Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 (в случае с «Adobe Reader»)

Довольно многие программы до сих пор работают с пакетом « Microsoft Visual C++ » для ОС Windows, и « Acrobat Reader » здесь не исключение. Некоторые пользователи данного и других продуктов от Adobe сталкиваются с ошибкой 0xc0000022 после выполнения очередного апдейта ОС Виндовс.

Формально, данную проблемы можно исправить восстановлением пакета «Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable», который используется при работе продуктов от Adobe.

Запуск DirectPlay в устаревших компонентах при возникновении ошибки 0xc0000022

« DirectPlay » — это устаревший ныне API, ранее являющийся важным составным элементом «Microsoft DirectX API». По сути, «DirectPlay» – это библиотека сетевых коммуникаций, использующаяся в первую очередь для создания игр. Но бывают и случаи, когда она используется для других задач в приложениях общего назначения.

Компоненты DirectPlay считаются устаревшими в Windows 8.1 и Windows 10, и DirectPlay в данных ОС отключен по умолчанию. Но его всё равно можно включить в настройках вашей Windows, и тем самым избавиться от ошибки.

Осуществите следующее для исправления ситуации:


Выше мы рассмотрели, что вызывает сообщение «Ошибка при запуске приложения» с кодом 0xc0000022, и какими способами можно её исправить. Частой причиной дисфункции выступает отсутствие компонентов DirectPlay в функционале модерных версий ОС Виндовс. Установите ДиректПлей как указано нами выше, и проблема перестанет вам досаждать. Если же она продолжает появляться, попробуйте установить аналогичную программу от другого репакера, в которой подобных проблем не наблюдается.

[PC] How to Resolve Most Easy Anti-Cheat Errors

Easy Anti-Cheat can be installed or repaired using the EasyAntiCheat_Setup executable located in the Vermintide 2 ‘installers’ directory. The path to this directory on your PC will be similar to this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\installers\EasyAntiCheat

Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]

The LightingService executable belongs to a program called ASUS Aura Sync, which is considered suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to it’s use of an old, exploitable driver. This consequently results in the ‘Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]’ error.

We recommend that you disable ASUS Aura Sync via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Access is Denied

This error has been known to occur when a player has an RGB controller such as ASUS Aura Sync or RGB Fusion running on their PC. These are considered to be suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to their use of old, exploitable drivers and may produce the error above.

We recommend that you disable any RGB controllers via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Error Code: 23

This error indicates missing dependencies such as DirectX, GPU drivers, Windows updates, Visual C++ Redistributables. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error: Copy Failed With 32

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30004 (Unexpected Error. (WaitForSingleObject Failed: 2))

This error indicates that your current Windows installation is in a corrupted state. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile Failed with 32.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateService Failed with 1072.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (StartService Failed with 1450.)

This error indicates that your version of Windows is not up-to-date. This is most common with Windows 7, but is possible with other versions.

Please ensure you have the latest updates for Windows installed.


This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

It should be noted that SpyBot is a common culprit for this error. Disabling or removing SpyBot should immediately resolve this issue.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Unknown File Version (vermintide. exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:

Untrusted System File

Please note: For those with ‘Untrusted System File’ errors referencing the wldap32 or nvd3dumx DLLs, please see the sections underneath instead.

This error occurs when a DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:\Windows\System32\wldap32.dll

This error occurs when the wldap32 DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:\Windows\System32\nvd3dumx. dll

This error occurs for Windows 7 users with NVIDIA GPUs specifically, and would have appeared after the most recent NVIDIA driver update.

This error is due to changes in how Microsoft handles drivers, and means the Windows 7 updates below must be installed to ensure compatibility:

No Game Executable Entry Was Found in the Catalogue. (Vermintide2.exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:


https://answers. ea. com/t5/Technical-Issues/EAC-Error-code-10022/td-p/9606537

https://it-doc. info/oshibka-pri-zapuske-prilozheniya-0xc0000022/

https://support. fatshark. se/hc/en-us/articles/360007853137—PC-How-to-Resolve-Most-Easy-Anti-Cheat-Errors

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